Saturday, February 21, 2009

Andros Circuit Youth Week

The Andros Circuit will celebrate its Youth Week from March 8-14, 2009. The theme for the week is "Our Help Comes From the Lord." The week will begin with Exchange of Services by the Youth on Lord's Day, March 8. On Thursday, March 12, there will be the second Elocution Competition for ages 7-14 at the Wesley Methodist Church, Mastic Point. Then on Friday, March 13, the Youth between ages 12 to 25 will participate in a Lock-In beginning at 7 p.m. and ending at 7 a.m. on Saturday. March 14. This will be held at the Wesley Mount Zion Methodist Church. The organisers said that these activities will bring the youth together, not just only from our Methodist Church, but also from other denominations in the community. This promises to be a quite successful week.

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